About Me
I completed my undergraduate education at Rutgers University, the State University of New Jersey studying Cell Biology and Neuroscience. Throughout my undergraduate education and training I pursued opportunities to advance my education, professional development, and growth as a student. In this effort I accumulated research experience and demonstrated proficiency in several fields including behavioral neuroscience, molecular and cell biology, as well as computational/statistical modeling. My work primarily focused on cell biology with Dr. Federico Sesti and statistical modeling with Dr. Eric Hargreaves, where I was interested in actin remodeling during cellular stress and nonlinear regression modeling of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) device battery life, respectively.
Beginning in 2016 I began to participate in advocacy for science as well, in doing so I have met with New Jersey legislators to discuss the importance of federal support for neuroscience and basic research both in my home state of New Jersey and in the nation’s capital, Washington, DC. You can find photographs of me interacting with New Jersey Senators Cory Booker and Robert Menendez below and more information about my science policy/advocacy interests and experience here.
I completed PhD in Neuroscience at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill where I was interested in the discovery of novel molecular targets and analgesics to characterize and treat pain. In this pursuit, I developed novel engineering and computational solutions to automate the measurement of pain in rodents. The resulting technology was adopted by over 20 laboratories across the world and has both standardized and simplified the measurement of facial expressions in rodents.
Beginning in 2016 I began to participate in advocacy for science as well, in doing so I have met with New Jersey legislators to discuss the importance of federal support for neuroscience and basic research both in my home state of New Jersey and in the nation’s capital, Washington, DC. You can find photographs of me interacting with New Jersey Senators Cory Booker and Robert Menendez below and more information about my science policy/advocacy interests and experience here.
I completed PhD in Neuroscience at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill where I was interested in the discovery of novel molecular targets and analgesics to characterize and treat pain. In this pursuit, I developed novel engineering and computational solutions to automate the measurement of pain in rodents. The resulting technology was adopted by over 20 laboratories across the world and has both standardized and simplified the measurement of facial expressions in rodents.